Wow, what an honor it is to recieve this highly coveted award, I would like to thank my... what? I am out of time? (wanders off the stage...)
My task today is to catch everyone up on the many things we have been up too since Oct 3rd.
Where to begin...
For those who are interested in what life is like as a bi-vocational Pastor/Coffee Shop owner. I wake up at 4am, take a shower and head to the coffee shop and open up. I like to go in early so I can get some good quiet time, some mornings I get more than others before the caffeine fiends start showing up. Business is pretty steady until about 10:30 or so, after that I do paperwork, pay bills, order stuff, sneak some studying in or play a game. Business picks back up at about 2:30 or so and is somewhat steady until close. Denise is also busy, she shops for me, does a bunch of publishing, comes and covers for me on some days to give me a break, bakes, participates in Ladies Bible study, keeps house and helps Rebekah with homeschooling. We have Bible study on Wednesday Night, so its a long day, but the fellowship is always very refreshing. Saturday we are open 8am to 2pm so I get a few hours off in the afternoon, we can either flake off or do things around the house. Sunday is my Favorite day, we get to worship and have Bible study in the mornings until about 11am. Then its home for lunch and a nap. Denise usually scraps with friends at the shop in the afternoon and I go hang out with Sam and watch football or play games with some of the other guys. We hang out together in the evenings and get to bed early to start the process over again early Monday morning.
Speaking of the Bible Study, we have finally moved it into the Coffee Shop. Our landlord Max is such a great guy, he has allowed us to use some of the un-rented suites behind us for Sunday School at no charge. Praise the Lord!
One of the sadder aspects of ministering in a military town is that people come and go alot. Even though our little Bible study is only a few months old we have already had to say goodbye to Gareth and Irma Burkinshaw. The Burkinshaw's had a very harried October as they completed the CH-47 (Chinook) course, Renewed their wedding vows on the beach in Destin, FL and packed for a move to the frozen wastes of Ft. Drum, NY. We will miss the good times we enjoyed with them worshipping and fellowshipping for the few months they were here. Keep Gareth in your prayers, he will be deploying to Iraq soon, leaving Irma to brave the bitter New York Winter. Stay Warm Irma!
My task today is to catch everyone up on the many things we have been up too since Oct 3rd.
Where to begin...
For those who are interested in what life is like as a bi-vocational Pastor/Coffee Shop owner. I wake up at 4am, take a shower and head to the coffee shop and open up. I like to go in early so I can get some good quiet time, some mornings I get more than others before the caffeine fiends start showing up. Business is pretty steady until about 10:30 or so, after that I do paperwork, pay bills, order stuff, sneak some studying in or play a game. Business picks back up at about 2:30 or so and is somewhat steady until close. Denise is also busy, she shops for me, does a bunch of publishing, comes and covers for me on some days to give me a break, bakes, participates in Ladies Bible study, keeps house and helps Rebekah with homeschooling. We have Bible study on Wednesday Night, so its a long day, but the fellowship is always very refreshing. Saturday we are open 8am to 2pm so I get a few hours off in the afternoon, we can either flake off or do things around the house. Sunday is my Favorite day, we get to worship and have Bible study in the mornings until about 11am. Then its home for lunch and a nap. Denise usually scraps with friends at the shop in the afternoon and I go hang out with Sam and watch football or play games with some of the other guys. We hang out together in the evenings and get to bed early to start the process over again early Monday morning.
Speaking of the Bible Study, we have finally moved it into the Coffee Shop. Our landlord Max is such a great guy, he has allowed us to use some of the un-rented suites behind us for Sunday School at no charge. Praise the Lord!
One of the sadder aspects of ministering in a military town is that people come and go alot. Even though our little Bible study is only a few months old we have already had to say goodbye to Gareth and Irma Burkinshaw. The Burkinshaw's had a very harried October as they completed the CH-47 (Chinook) course, Renewed their wedding vows on the beach in Destin, FL and packed for a move to the frozen wastes of Ft. Drum, NY. We will miss the good times we enjoyed with them worshipping and fellowshipping for the few months they were here. Keep Gareth in your prayers, he will be deploying to Iraq soon, leaving Irma to brave the bitter New York Winter. Stay Warm Irma!

Gareth, Irm and Avah

I asked do ya? They said they did, everyone cheered and then we ate :)

A common site, senior citizens on the beach in Florida
I think that covers the big stuff, I keep telling myself I will be more diligent about keeping you all up to date.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers, God is doing some wild and sometimes scary things in our lives these days. It's not easy here, but when my eyes close and my heart settles in those few moments before I drop off to sleep I know He is with us and continuing the work He started. I will praise Him for His greatness, I will lift up His name as the only wise God who sees the end and knows the best way to get there. Our desire is to walk more closely and live more fully in the center of His will and work here in Enterprise. In this we will not be moved.
1 comment:
Although Denise keeps me updated, I am happy to read this update from you. Always praying for all of you! Love you much, Mom
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