Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Bible study will begin June 25th (6-16-08)

Now that we are settled, we will start our first Bible study in the book of John on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.

We will be meeting at Sam and Selina’s to begin with, but will move it to the coffee shop when it is up and running.

Sam and Selina
156 County Road 681
Coffee Springs, AL 36318

or click here for a map.

Please pray for us as we begin to see the vision God has for us in Enterprise unfold.


LL said...

OK, no pressure here (you have a few months before I really start bugging you), but you need to start thinking of a web cast thing for those of us who can't be there for the bible study. I'm thinking it might be too far of a drive. You know how much I didn't want to miss Bible 101. When I get settled in, the bugging will commence. You have been warned. :)

Stephen Lane said...

I will look into it, at least recording the study and making mp3's which we can post. Pray for a non-evasive recording device :)